Home Composers Walter Zimmermann

Walter Zimmermann

Short bio Walter Zimmermann

Birthday: 1949 in Schabach
Active: 1970s - 1990s
Genre: Classical
Period: Contemporary

Full biography Walter Zimmermann

photo Walter Zimmermann

Walter Zimmermann is a German composer , born on April 15, 1949 in Schwabach, Mittelfranken. He is known for his works in stage, orchestral, chamber, choral, vocal, piano, and electro-acoustic genres. Zimmermann studied composition with Hans Ulrich Humpert, Wilhelm Killmayer, and Klaus Huber in Germany.

He has been included among composers who write in a minimalist style , and his music has been performed and recorded worldwide. His works often incorporate free rhythm, slowly evolving textures, and spacious harmonies. Zimmermann's music can be characterized as contemplative, with a focus on the passing of time and the fragility of human existence.

Zimmermann has collaborated with many musicians and artists during his career, including Robert Ashley, Alvin Lucier, and Phill Niblock. He has also written about music and taught composition, including at the Hochschule fuer Musik in Frankfurt, and the Hochschule fuer Musik und Tanz in Cologne.

Some of his notable works include "Twenty-One Piano Pieces" (1973-1975), "Gulliver's Reise" (1981) for string quartet and tape, and "Lokale Musik" (1985-1990), a series of works based on traditional music from different regions of Germany. Zimmermann's music has been featured on several recordings from labels such as Mode Records and Soundohm.

Overall, Walter Zimmermann is a highly regarded composer known for his minimalist style and contemplative approach to music. His works have been performed and recorded worldwide, and his contributions to contemporary classical music are highly regarded.

Compositions featuring Walter Zimmermann

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 AFUGAPE, for ensemble 9:53 min Chamber Music 2009
2 Voces Abandonadas, for piano 25:57 min Keyboard 2005
3 Blueprint, for piano 5:40 min Keyboard 2004
4 Romanska Bågar, for piano, left hand 4:41 min Keyboard 2004
5 Blaupause, for piano 4:54 min Keyboard 2003
6 Taula / Novo Ben, for viola & voice 15:57 min Vocal Music 2003
7 AIMIDE, for piano 16:03 min Keyboard 2001
8 "Dit", for cellist & tape 2:30 min Chamber Music 1999
9 As I was walking I came upon chance, for tenor saxophone, piano & percussion 16:32 min Chamber Music 1998
10 Cura Curiosita, for piano Keyboard 1998
11 Shadows of Cold Mountain 3, for flute, oboe & clarinet 11:37 min Chamber Music 1997
12 Suave Mari Mango - Clinamen I-VI, for 6 orchestral groups 34:12 min Orchestral 1996
13 Schatten der Ideen, for piano quartet 13:46 min Chamber Music 1993
14 Ursache und Vorwitz, for horn, violin, cello, piano, percussion & tape 16:31 min Chamber Music 1993
15 About Time 2, for string trio Chamber Music 1992
16 Festina lente for String quartet in four movements 24:55 min Chamber Music 1990
17 When I'm 84, for keyboard 3:06 min Keyboard 1989
18 Die Sorge geht über den Fluß, for violin 46:27 min Chamber Music 1989
19 Barn Snail Dance, for piano 1:41 min Keyboard 1989
20 Wüstenwanderung, for piano 19:40 min Keyboard 1986
21 Vom Nutzen Des Lassens, for piano Keyboard 1982
22 Keuper, for string quartet 7:01 min Chamber Music 1980
23 Zwiefache Transzendiert (15), for guitar 7:42 min Chamber Music 1977
24 Fränkische Tänze, for string quartet (with optional drone quartet) 12:32 min Chamber Music 1977
25 Kärwa Melodies (25), for 2 clarinets 5:40 min Chamber Music 1976
26 Songs of Innocence & Experience, ritornels (23) for string quartet & tape 22:09 min Chamber Music -
27 Ländler-Topographien, for orchestra Orchestral -
28 Lied im Wüstenvogelton 12:22 min Chamber Music -
29 The Echoing Green 13:23 min Chamber Music -
30 The missing nail at the river, for piano & toy piano 5:51 min Keyboard -
31 Groll & Dank, for piano 4:42 min Keyboard -
32 Geduld und Gelegenheit, for cello and piano 23:47 min Chamber Music -
33 Die Postkarte, for voice & orchestra Vocal Music -
34 Beginner's Mind, for piano 68:59 min Keyboard -
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