Home Composers Vyacheslav Mescherin

Vyacheslav Mescherin

Short bio Vyacheslav Mescherin

Birthday: 1923
Died: 1995

Full biography Vyacheslav Mescherin

photo Vyacheslav Mescherin

Vyacheslav Mescherin was a Russian composer who is well-known in the field of electronic music. He was born in 1938 in the Soviet Union and studied at the Moscow Conservatory, where he initially trained as a pianist before moving on to composition.

Mescherin was an early pioneer of electronic music in the Soviet Union, and he is known for his contributions to the development of the genre there. In the 1960s, he founded a laboratory for electronic music and began experimenting with new sounds and techniques using electronic instruments. He collaborated with other composers and musicians to create a unique sound that blended elements of rock, pop, and classical music.

Mescherin's most famous composition is likely "Popcorn", an instrumental tune that was originally composed for his ensemble, the Vyacheslav Mescherin Orchestra. The piece was later covered by numerous other artists and was a hit in Europe and the United States. Mescherin also composed other works for his orchestra, including "Penguin's Dance" and "Electronic Hymn".

Mescherin's influence extended beyond the Soviet Union, and he was recognized internationally for his contributions to electronic music. He was featured in a number of documentaries and music programs, and his music has been included in a variety of films and television shows.

Vyacheslav Mescherin passed away in 1995, but his legacy lives on through his music and his contributions to the world of electronic music. He remains an important figure in the development of the genre in the Soviet Union and is celebrated for his innovative and experimental approach to composition and electronic music production.

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