Home Composers Vincenzo Ugolini

Vincenzo Ugolini

Short bio Vincenzo Ugolini

Birthday: 1580
Died: 1638

Full biography Vincenzo Ugolini

photo Vincenzo Ugolini

Vincenzo Ugolini was an Italian composer who lived from around 1560 to 1615. He was a prominent figure during the late Renaissance period, which flourished in Europe during the 15th and 16th centuries. Ugolini was born in Orvieto, Italy, and worked as a composer and singer in Rome. He served as a singer in the Cappella Giulia, which was the choir of St. Peter's Basilica, and later became the maestro of the choir.

Some of Ugolini's most notable works include his motets, which were religious choral compositions. These works were written in the polyphonic style of the Renaissance, which involved multiple melodies sung simultaneously. Ugolini's motets were praised for their beauty and complexity, and he was known for his ability to write music that was both technically impressive and emotionally powerful.

Ugolini's music was highly regarded during his lifetime, and he was a respected figure in the musical community of Rome. Some of his contemporaries included other notable composers of the time, such as Giovanni Gabrieli and Luca Marenzio. Despite his success, Ugolini's works are not as well-known today as some of his contemporaries, though his music is still performed and appreciated by those interested in the music of the late Renaissance.

Overall, Vincenzo Ugolini was an accomplished and talented composer who contributed to the vibrant world of Renaissance music in Italy. Though his works may not be as well-known as some of his contemporaries, his contributions to the genre are still celebrated today.

Compositions featuring Vincenzo Ugolini

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Beata es virgo Maria, motet for 12 voices 4:59 min Choral -
2 Exultate omnes, motet for 12 voices 5:48 min Choral -
3 Missa Beata es Virgo Maria, for 12 voices in 3 choirs 19:44 min Choral -
4 Quae est ista, motet for 12 voices 5:25 min Choral -

Albums featuring Vincenzo Ugolini

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Allegri • Frescobaldi • Gabrieli • Marenzio • Nanino • Ugolini, Choir Of King's College, Cambridge, Stephen Cleobury • David Willcocks – Miserere, Etc. Allegri • Frescobaldi • Gabrieli • Marenzio • Nanino • Ugolini, Choir Of King's College, Cambridge, Stephen Cleobury • David Willcocks – Miserere, Etc. 2003 EMI Classics
2 Cover for album: Allegri, Frescobaldi, Gabrieli, Marenzio, Nanino, Ugolini, Choir Of The King's College, Cambridge, Stephen Cleobury, David Willcocks – Miserere(CD, Compilation, Stereo) Allegri, Frescobaldi, Gabrieli, Marenzio, Nanino, Ugolini, Choir Of The King's College, Cambridge, Stephen Cleobury, David Willcocks – Miserere(CD, Compilation, Stereo) 2003 EMI Classics
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