Home Composers Vilma von Webenau

Vilma von Webenau

Short bio Vilma von Webenau

Birthday: 1875
Died: 1953

Full biography Vilma von Webenau

photo Vilma von Webenau

Vilma von Webenau (1875-1953) was an Austrian composer who was one of the first private students of the composer Arnold Schoenberg , making her of interest to students of fin-de-siècle music. She was born in Constantinople (now Istanbul) and later lived in Vienna, where she studied composition with Schoenberg and conducting with Franz Schreker.

Von Webenau was also a prolific composer, particularly known for her songs. She composed over 250 art songs, as well as chamber music and piano pieces. Some of her works were inspired by her interest in folk music and include lyrics in various languages, including German, Turkish, and Hungarian.

Von Webenau's granddaughter was also a composer, which suggests that music ran in the family. Overall, she is an important figure in the history of classical music and a notable female composer of the early 20th century.

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