Home Composers Steve Martland

Steve Martland

Short bio Steve Martland

Birthday: 1959
Died: 2013

Full biography Steve Martland

photo Steve Martland

Steve Martland was an iconoclastic British composer who created a distinctive, edgy sound by crossing musical boundaries. He was born on October 10, 1959, in Liverpool, England, and began his musical journey as a member of a local brass band. He went on to study music at Liverpool University and later at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study.

Martland's music was characterized by a fusion of various genres, including classical, punk, minimalism, and jazz. He wrote for a range of instruments and ensembles, from solo piano to full orchestra, and used unconventional techniques such as distorted electric guitar, electronic effects, and spoken word.

Martland had a strong commitment to music education, and he directed many composition projects in schools and communities. He also served as a composer-in-residence at the ETNA Music Festival.

Some of Martland's notable works include "Babi Yar," a large-scale orchestral work premiered in 1983, "Street Songs," written for percussionist Evelyn Glennie and the King's Singers, and "Horses of Instruction," a composition for brass band.

Martland passed away on May 6, 2013, at the age of 53. He has left a lasting legacy as a composer who pushed the boundaries of music and inspired generations of musicians with his innovative and distinctive style.

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