Home Composers Stefano Landi

Stefano Landi

Short bio Stefano Landi

Birthday: 1586 in Rome, Italy
Died: 1639 in Rome, Italy
Genre: Classical
Period: Baroque

Full biography Stefano Landi

photo Stefano Landi

Stefano Landi (1587-1639) was an Italian composer and teacher , known for his prominent role in the early Baroque era of music. He was regarded as one of the leading Italian composers of his day and the first to write an opera based on a historical subject , 'Sant'Alessio' in 1632. Landi's operas were highly influential in the development of the genre, and his works were popular throughout Europe during his lifetime.

Aside from his operas, Landi also wrote a large amount of other vocal music, including settings of the Mass and of hymns. He was particularly known for his pastoral tragicomedy 'La Morte d'Orfeo', which dealt with the popular operatic subject of Orpheus. Landi's idiom was that of the operatic madrigal, with recitative blending into aria and ritornello, and he employed all resources available to him to create highly emotional and expressive works of music.

Landi was born in Rome in 1587 and was baptized on February 26th of that year. He studied music with Virgilio Mazzocchi and then worked as a musician in various positions, including as a singer and organist at the Roman Oratory. In 1619, he was appointed maestro di cappella at the church of San Luigi dei Francesi, a position he held for several decades.

In addition to his work as a composer and musician, Landi was also a teacher, and among his pupils were prominent composers such as Luigi Rossi and Carissimi. He died in Rome on October 28th, 1639, having made a significant contribution to the development of Baroque opera and music more broadly. Today, Landi's works continue to be performed and recorded, ensuring that his legacy as a composer lives on for future generations to enjoy.

Compositions featuring Stefano Landi

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Tu vedi alato Arcier, aria for solo voice & guitar 2:24 min Vocal Music 1637
2 La Morte D'Orfeo, opera 118:32 min Opera 1619
3 Leggiadra rosa 2:20 min Vocal Music -
4 Labri soavi, madrigal 2:34 min Vocal Music -
5 Mentre cantiam (La morte di orfeo), for voice, organ & ensemble 5:12 min Vocal Music -
6 Non mi dar più tormento, for voice & continuo 5:46 min Vocal Music -
7 Non si scherzi con amore 2:11 min Vocal Music -
8 Non vuo' perder il cervello, for voice & continuo 3:13 min Vocal Music -
9 Non è più tempo nò, canzonette for soprano & continuo 2:25 min Vocal Music -
10 O begl' occhi di sole 1:51 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
11 Passacaglia della Vita 4:28 min Chamber Music -
12 Piansi un tempo, arsi, gelai, for voice & continuo 1:50 min Vocal Music -
13 Quando Rinaldo 4:47 min Vocal Music -
14 Quasi intrepida amazzone, aria in stile recitativo for soprano & continuo 2:11 min Vocal Music -
15 Quest'Acqua 3:41 min Vocal Music -
16 Se per negarmi aiuto, for voice & continuo 4:07 min Vocal Music -
17 Se tu mi lasci, madrigal 2:27 min Vocal Music -
18 Sinfonia No. 2 3:00 min Symphony -
19 Sinfonia No. 3 2:02 min Symphony -
20 Sinfonia à 3 3:26 min Chamber Music -
21 Superbe colli 6:03 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
22 T'amai gran tempo 6:02 min Vocal Music -
23 Damigella 3:46 min Chamber Music -
24 A qualunque animalel, aria di cantar sestine 3:36 min Vocal Music -
25 Alla guerra d'amor 3:09 min Vocal Music -
26 Altri amor fugga 3:45 min Vocal Music -
27 Amarillide, deh vieni 2:54 min Vocal Music -
28 Augelin 4:24 min Vocal Music -
29 Balletto delle Virtù 1:47 min Chamber Music -
30 Canta la cicaleta 5:01 min Vocal Music -
31 Canzona detta La Pozza, for lute, theorbo & harp 3:24 min Chamber Music -
32 Chi vuol acqua purissima, for voice & continuo 3:19 min Vocal Music -
33 A che più l'arco tendere 4:03 min Vocal Music -
34 Dirindin 1:17 min Vocal Music -
35 Filli cara, Filli amata, for voice & continuo 3:30 min Vocal Music -
36 Fonti del mio dolor, for voice & continuo 4:15 min Vocal Music -
37 Gelido core, for voice & continuo 5:58 min Vocal Music -
38 Ho'l cor ferito, for voice & continuo 4:35 min Vocal Music -
39 Il Sant'Alessio, opera 128:55 min Opera -
40 In conventendo 4:12 min Choral -
41 Invan lusinghi 2:11 min Vocal Music -
42 Io vivea come aquila, Madrigale 2:49 min Vocal Music -
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