Home Composers Stanyslav Lyudkevych

Stanyslav Lyudkevych

Short bio Stanyslav Lyudkevych

Birthday: 1879
Died: 1979

Full biography Stanyslav Lyudkevych

photo Stanyslav Lyudkevych

Stanyslav Lyudkevych was a Ukrainian composer and musicologist who was born on March 24, 1879, in Ternopil, Ukraine, which was then a part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. He lived a long life and passed away on September 10, 1979, in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Lyudkevych was one of the most prominent Ukrainian composers of the 20th century and was known for his contributions to the development of Ukrainian classical music. He played a significant role in the promotion of Ukrainian music and culture both in Ukraine and abroad.

Lyudkevych studied music in Lviv and Vienna. After graduating in 1903, he became a professor at the Lviv Conservatory. He held various teaching positions throughout his career, including at the Kyiv Conservatory and the National Academy of Music in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Some of his notable works include choral compositions, symphonies, operas, and chamber music. He was also known for his successful research work in the field of Ukrainian folklore and musical ethnography. Lyudkevych's music was greatly influenced by Ukrainian folk traditions, which he incorporated into his compositions.

Stanyslav Lyudkevych was also an active public figure and one of the founders of the Ukrainian Composers' Union in 1932. During the Soviet era, he faced persecution because of his Ukrainian nationalist beliefs, but he continued to work and compose despite the difficulties.

Lyudkevych's legacy continues to be celebrated today, and his music is performed both in Ukraine and around the world. He remains an important figure in Ukrainian classical music and the country's cultural history.

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