Home Composers Simon Proctor

Simon Proctor

Short bio Simon Proctor

Birthday: 1959

Full biography Simon Proctor

photo Simon Proctor

Simon Proctor is a British composer , pianist, and teacher known for his works for unusual instruments. He studied at the Royal Academy of Music in London, where he graduated with honours. His compositions have been performed by notable orchestras such as The Boston Pops Orchestra, The English Chamber Orchestra, and the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, among others.

Proctor has written a variety of music, including works for piano, brass, percussion, and unusual instruments such as the serpent. He has also written music for film and television, and his compositions have been featured in documentaries and other media.

Proctor has received a number of commissions for his work, including from the Royal Horticultural Society, which commissioned him to write his Fanfare Jubilee. He has also written a Sinatra Piano Concerto for pianist Thomas Pandolfi, which coincided with the 100th birthday celebration of the legendary singer.

Proctor's music has been described as engaging and exhilarating , and has been praised for its energy and creativity. He is a frequent collaborator with other musicians and has worked with both established and emerging artists.

Overall, Simon Proctor is an accomplished composer whose music is highly regarded by both performers and audiences. His works showcase his skill and versatility as a composer, and his contributions to the world of music are significant and enduring.

Compositions featuring Simon Proctor

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Ophicleide Concerto Concerto -
2 Serpent Concerto 17:25 min Concerto -
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