Home Composers Scott Joplin

Scott Joplin

Short bio Scott Joplin

Birthday: 1868
Died: 1917

Full biography Scott Joplin

photo Scott Joplin

Scott Joplin was a composer and musician born in 1868 in Texarkana, Texas. He is considered one of the most important and influential figures in the development of ragtime music. He started his music career playing in various orchestras as a teenager and later became a traveling musician, performing in bars and saloons across the southern United States.

Joplin's most famous composition is "Maple Leaf Rag," which became an instant hit when it was first published in 1899. This song was widely popular and helped to establish Joplin as one of the foremost composers of ragtime music. In addition to "Maple Leaf Rag," Joplin composed many other pieces, including "The Entertainer," "Elite Syncopations," and "The Easy Winners."

Joplin's music was characterized by its intricate rhythms and melodic complexity. His compositions often incorporated elements of classical music, such as sonata form and fugue, which helped to elevate ragtime from a simple form of popular entertainment to an art form in its own right.

Despite his success, Joplin faced significant obstacles in his career as a musician. As an African American musician in the early 20th century, he faced discrimination and was often relegated to playing in segregated venues. He struggled financially for much of his life and died in 1917, at the age of 49, after suffering from complications related to syphilis.

Despite the challenges he faced, Joplin's legacy as a composer and musician continues to thrive. His music has been featured in countless movies, television shows, and other forms of popular media. He was posthumously awarded a Pulitzer Prize in 1976 for his contributions to American music, and in 1983, he was inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Letters. Today, his influence can be heard in the work of many contemporary musicians who continue to draw inspiration from his innovative compositions and unique style.

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