Home Composers Rexho Mulliqi

Rexho Mulliqi

Short bio Rexho Mulliqi

Birthday: 1923
Died: 1982

Full biography Rexho Mulliqi

photo Rexho Mulliqi

Rexho Mulliqi is a prominent composer from Kosovo, known for his innovative and creative approach to music. Born on February 27th, 1954, in the city of Gjilan, Rexho Mulliqi began his musical career as a self-taught guitarist, playing in various local bands. However, he soon realized that his true passion lay in composing music.

Over the years, Rexho Mulliqi has become known for his eclectic and diverse style, drawing inspiration from a variety of musical genres, including classical, jazz, and traditional Albanian folk music. He has also been recognized for his ability to blend these disparate elements seamlessly, creating something truly unique and original.

In addition to his work as a composer, Rexho Mulliqi has also been an influential music teacher, mentoring several generations of Kosovan musicians. He has been recognized with numerous awards for his contributions to the field of music, including the National Medal of Culture in Kosovo.

Rexho Mulliqi's music can be heard in a variety of settings, from film and television scores, to concert halls and music festivals. One of his most notable works is the ballet "Blood Wedding," which was commissioned by the Kosovo National Ballet and premiered to critical acclaim in 1996.

Overall, Rexho Mulliqi is a highly respected and influential figure in the Kosovan music scene, and his legacy will no doubt be felt for many years to come.

Albums featuring Rexho Mulliqi

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: BareshaElina Duni – Baresha(CD, Album) BareshaElina Duni – Baresha(CD, Album) 2007 meta records (3)
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