Home Composers Ralph Lyford

Ralph Lyford

Short bio Ralph Lyford

Birthday: 1882
Died: 1927

Full biography Ralph Lyford

photo Ralph Lyford

Ralph Lyford (February 22 , 1882 - September 3, 1927) was an American composer and conductor known for his orchestral music , including a piano concerto. He was born in Massachusetts and studied at the New England Conservatory of Music , where he later became a faculty member. Lyford's compositions were performed by many prominent orchestras and he was recognized as an innovative composer during his time.

In 1972, philanthropists and Hyde Park residents J. Ralph and Patricia recognized Lyford's contributions to music and provided funding for the creation of the Ralph Lyford Collection at the Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music. The collection includes Lyford's manuscripts, letters, and other materials related to his life and music.

Despite his short life, Lyford had a significant impact on American music and his legacy lives on through his compositions and the Ralph Lyford Collection.

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