Home Composers Pierre Moulu

Pierre Moulu

Short bio Pierre Moulu

Birthday: 1484
Died: 1550
Genre: Classical
Period: Renaissance

Full biography Pierre Moulu

photo Pierre Moulu

Pierre Moulu was a French Renaissance composer who lived from approximately 1480 to 1550. Not much is known about his life, but he is notable for his choral compositions, which were widely performed in the 16th century.

Moulu worked at the court of Francis I and was influential in the development of the French chanson. He was also known for his motets, which were composed for various religious occasions. The motet was a popular form of music during the Renaissance, and Moulu was one of the most talented composers of the genre.

One of Moulu's most famous works is his setting of the Magnificat, which is a hymn of praise in the Christian liturgy. His version of the Magnificat is characterized by its smooth melodic lines and rich harmonic textures, which reflect Moulu's skill as a composer.

Overall, Pierre Moulu is remembered as a talented and influential composer of the Renaissance period. While his life remains shrouded in mystery, his contributions to the development of choral music live on through his compositions, which are still performed and enjoyed by music lovers today.

Compositions featuring Pierre Moulu

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Agnus Dei for 5 voices 5:01 min Choral -
2 Amy, souffrez 2:46 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
3 Et d'où venez vous, Madame Lucette? 1:40 min Vocal Music -
4 Fiere attropos mauldicte, motet for 5 voices 4:34 min Choral -
5 In pace, responsory for 5 voices 8:52 min Choral -
6 Kyrie for 4 voices 2:49 min Choral -
7 Mater floreat 6:06 min Choral -
8 Missa Alma redemptoris mater, for 4 voices 22:48 min Choral -
9 Missa Missus est Gabriel angelus, for 4 voices 25:12 min Choral -

Albums featuring Pierre Moulu

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Pierre Moulu, The Brabant Ensemble, Stephen Rice – Missa Missus Est Gabriel Angelus, Missa Alma Redemptoris Mater(CD, ) Pierre Moulu, The Brabant Ensemble, Stephen Rice – Missa Missus Est Gabriel Angelus, Missa Alma Redemptoris Mater(CD, ) 2010 Hyperion
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