Home Composers Philip Hayes

Philip Hayes

Short bio Philip Hayes

Birthday: 1738
Died: 1797
Genre: Classical
Period: Baroque, Classical

Full biography Philip Hayes

photo Philip Hayes

Philip Hayes (1738-1797) was an English composer, organist, singer, and conductor. He was born in Oxford and received his early musical education from his father, William Hayes, who was a prominent composer and organist in his own right. Philip Hayes went on to serve as organist and choirmaster at several churches in Oxford and London, including St. Mary's Church and the Chapel Royal.

Hayes composed a variety of works in different styles, including sacred music, opera, and instrumental music. He is perhaps best known for his choral music, which includes anthems, motets, and hymns. Some of his most popular choral works include "Noah's Ark," "Babel Confounded," and "By the Waters of Babylon."

In addition to his work as a composer, Hayes was also a respected singing teacher. He published several vocal instruction books, including "The Art of Singing" and "The Art of Tuning the Voice."

Philip Hayes was part of a vibrant musical scene in 18th century England, where he was acquainted with many of the leading composers and musicians of the time. He was a member of the Royal Society of Musicians and performed in public concerts throughout his career. His music was highly regarded by his contemporaries, including the composer Joseph Haydn, who praised Hayes for his "good taste" and "refined style."

Today, Philip Hayes is remembered as an important figure in the history of English church music. His works continue to be performed and recorded by choirs around the world.

Compositions featuring Philip Hayes

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Concerto for piano & orchestra No 4 in A major 12:26 min Concerto 1769
2 Concerto for organ, No 2, in B flat 10:11 min Keyboard -
3 Telemachus, masque Opera -
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