Home Composers Peter Westergaard

Peter Westergaard

Short bio Peter Westergaard

Birthday: 1931 in Champaign, IL
Died: 2019
Genre: Classical
Period: Contemporary

Full biography Peter Westergaard

photo Peter Westergaard

Peter Talbot Westergaard was an American composer, primarily known for his work in opera and chamber music. He was born in 1931 in Urbana, Illinois, and studied music at Harvard University, where he later taught as a professor of music. Westergaard was known for his groundbreaking work in the application of set theory to composition, an approach that explored the relationships between different musical elements and their interactions with one another.

Westergaard composed a wide range of music over the course of his career, including operas, song cycles, and chamber music. Perhaps his best-known work is "Alice in Wonderland," an opera based on the classic children's story by Lewis Carroll. The opera features a complex and innovative score that incorporates a wide range of musical styles, from classical to jazz and popular music.

In addition to his work as a composer, Westergaard was also a respected music theorist, known for his contributions to the development of set theory and other analytical approaches to music. He was a dedicated teacher and mentor, and many of his former students have gone on to successful careers as composers and music theorists.

Peter Westergaard passed away on June 26, 2019, at the age of 88. He left behind a legacy of groundbreaking music and innovative ideas that continue to influence composers and musicians to this day.

Compositions featuring Peter Westergaard

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Ariel Music, Songs and Arias from "The Tempest" 16:01 min 1986
2 Divertimento on Discobbolic Fragments 10:26 min 1967
3 Mr. and Mrs. Discobbolos, opera 17:37 min Opera 1965
4 Moby Dick, opera 121:34 min Opera -
5 Ringing Changes, for orchestra 15:08 min Orchestral -
6 Variations for 6 players 9:21 min Chamber Music -
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