Home Composers Peter Janssens

Peter Janssens

Short bio Peter Janssens

Birthday: 1934
Died: 1998
Genre: Classical

Full biography Peter Janssens

photo Peter Janssens

Peter Janssens (17 June 1934 – 24 December 1998) was a German composer and musician who composed incidental music for numerous theaters. He was also known for his work with several singers and writers, including Hans Peter Janssens, Lies Vandewege, Stefan Hertmans, and Moritz Eggert. Janssens was highly regarded for his ability to craft music that perfectly captured the mood and atmosphere of the theatrical productions he worked on.

Janssens was born on June 17th, 1934, and began playing music at a young age. As a child, he studied piano and organ, and later went on to study music theory and composition. He composed his first piece of music at the age of 14, and went on to compose numerous works throughout his career.

Janssens worked with a variety of theaters throughout his career, including the Staatstheater Stuttgart and the Hessian State Theater in Wiesbaden. He collaborated with a number of writers and playwrights, and was known for his ability to create music that perfectly complemented the themes and emotions present in their works.

In addition to his work in the theater, Janssens also composed music for films and television shows. He composed the score for the film "Downside Up," which was released in 2016.

Peter Janssens passed away on December 24th, 1998, at the age of 64. However, his legacy lives on through his numerous contributions to the world of music and theater.

Compositions featuring Peter Janssens

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Die Bauernoper 3:33 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
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