Home Composers Paul Lacome

Paul Lacome

Short bio Paul Lacome

Birthday: 1838
Died: 1920
Genre: Classical

Full biography Paul Lacome

photo Paul Lacome

Paul Lacome was a French composer who lived from 1838 to 1920. He was born in Bordeaux, France and studied music at the Paris Conservatory. Lacome is primarily remembered for his instrumental music, including his chamber music and works for piano and orchestra. He was also a respected music critic and wrote for several Parisian publications during his career.

Lacome's early works show a strong influence from the works of Frédéric Chopin, but he later developed a more personal style characterized by chromaticism and a fondness for the exotic. His music often featured melodies and rhythms inspired by the music of Spain and the Middle East.

Some of Lacome's most notable works include his Suite pastorale for piano and orchestra, his Symphony No. 1 in B-flat major, and his opera Astarté. His music was well-received during his lifetime and he was a respected figure in French musical circles, but his works are less well-known today.

Despite his relative obscurity, Lacome's music has been recorded and performed by various artists in recent years, helping to bring his music to a new generation of listeners. Some of his works have also been included on classical music compilations, showcasing the breadth and diversity of his musical output.

Compositions featuring Paul Lacome

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Chantez Noël 3:50 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
2 Jeannette, polka for piano 2:18 min Keyboard -
3 Rigaudon for clarinet & piano 2:36 min Chamber Music -
4 Un bal d'oiseaux 2:30 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -

Albums featuring Paul Lacome

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Luigini, Lacôme - Adolphe Sibert Et Son Grand Orchestre – Ballet Egyptien / Mascarade / La Feria(LP) Luigini, Lacôme - Adolphe Sibert Et Son Grand Orchestre – Ballet Egyptien / Mascarade / La Feria(LP) - RCA Camden
2 Cover for album: Mascarade(Shellac, 10 Mascarade(Shellac, 10") - Odeon
3 Cover for album: Mascarade(Shellac, 10 Mascarade(Shellac, 10", 78 RPM) - Odeon
4 Cover for album: La Feria - (Suite Espagnole)(Shellac, 10 La Feria - (Suite Espagnole)(Shellac, 10", 78 RPM) - Disque "Gramophone"
5 Cover for album: Segoviane / la Fauvette Du Temple(Shellac, 10 Segoviane / la Fauvette Du Temple(Shellac, 10", 78 RPM) - BHV Le Rivolia
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