Home Composers Pasquale Errichelli

Pasquale Errichelli

Short bio Pasquale Errichelli

Birthday: 1730
Died: 1785

Full biography Pasquale Errichelli

photo Pasquale Errichelli

Pasquale Errichelli was an Italian composer who lived in the 18th century. He was known for his compositions in the genre of opera and is remembered for his setting of the libretto for the opera 'Siroe'. His version of the opera premiered in the year of Handel's death. Errichelli's 'Siroe' was first given under the direction of the composer at the time of its premiere.

Errichelli was a part of a movement of Italian musical theatre composers. He was also associated with the Neapolitan school of composers, some of whom are popular even today. He left behind a legacy of music that is still remembered and appreciated. However, not much is known about his personal life.

Apart from his work as a composer, Errichelli also worked as a singer. He played the role of Medarse in his own opera 'Siroe'. His talent as a composer was recognized by many, including music historian Charles Burney , who wrote about Errichelli's colleague Caterina Galli. Errichelli played an important role in the development of opera in Italy during the 18th century.

In conclusion, Pasquale Errichelli was an accomplished composer who contributed to the development of Italian opera during the 18th century. His work as a composer and singer is remembered today, and he continues to be an important figure in the history of Italian music.

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