Home Composers Pär Lindgren

Pär Lindgren

Short bio Pär Lindgren

Birthday: 1952
Genre: Classical

Full biography Pär Lindgren

photo Pär Lindgren

Pär Lindgren is a Swedish composer best known for his works in the contemporary classical music genre. Born on December 25, 1974, in Gothenburg, Sweden, Lindgren showed a passion for music from a young age and began playing the guitar at the age of nine. He later started to study composition at the Gothenburg School of Music and the Royal College of Music in Stockholm.

Lindgren's compositions are characterized by their experimental nature and unconventional use of instruments. He often incorporates electronics and computer-generated sounds into his work, creating a unique and innovative musical experience. His music has been described as complex and challenging, but also highly rewarding for those who take the time to listen and appreciate its intricacies.

Lindgren's work has been performed by some of the world's most prestigious orchestras and ensembles, including the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra, the Norwegian Radio Orchestra, and the International Contemporary Ensemble. He has received numerous awards and honors for his contributions to contemporary music, including the Soloist Prize at the International Society for Contemporary Music festival in London and the Christ Johnson Foundation Prize for orchestral composition.

While Lindgren's music may not be easy to digest for everyone, it undoubtedly has an impact on those who are willing to engage with it on a deeper level. His willingness to push the boundaries of contemporary classical music has earned him a place among the most innovative composers of our time.

Compositions featuring Pär Lindgren

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Winding Threads, for piano 15:22 min Keyboard 1998
2 Seacuts, for string quartet ("Port of Call") 4:28 min Chamber Music 1995
3 Metamorphose remix, for percussion & live remixed recording 2:17 min Chamber Music 1989
4 Metamorphose, for percussion 6:55 min Chamber Music 1985
5 Beep-Ooh, for clarinet & percussion 14:06 min Chamber Music -
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