Home Composers Oreste Migliaccio

Oreste Migliaccio

Short bio Oreste Migliaccio

Birthday: 1882
Died: 1973

Full biography Oreste Migliaccio

photo Oreste Migliaccio

Oreste Migliaccio was a notable composer, pianist, and band leader who was born in Naples, Italy in 1882 and later moved to the United States in 1902. He started composing music in 1908, and his early compositions included "Gatling Gun" and "Moosie on de Plain". Migliaccio gained popularity in the 1920s with his Queensland Orchestra, a 9-10 piece band that performed regularly in New York City. He was known for his jazz compositions and piano playing, and collaborated with many other musicians and singers of the time, such as Arthur Fields. Migliaccio continued to compose music into the late 1920s, with his last known composition being "Rosy Cheeks" in 1927. Despite his relatively short career, Migliaccio left an indelible mark on the jazz scene and his contributions to the genre continue to be celebrated today.

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