Home Composers Normand Lockwood

Normand Lockwood

Short bio Normand Lockwood

Birthday: 1906
Died: 2002
Genre: Vocal,Classical

Full biography Normand Lockwood

photo Normand Lockwood

Normand Lockwood (1906-2002) was an American composer and music educator who had a significant impact on the music world during his lifetime. Born in San Francisco, California, Lockwood began his musical education at an early age, studying piano and composition with some of the leading teachers of the day.

Lockwood attended the University of California, Berkeley, where he received his Bachelor's degree in music. He then continued his studies at the Oberlin Conservatory of Music, where he studied with composers such as Howard Hanson and Normand Lockwood.

Lockwood became known for his uniquely structured compositions that blended elements of classical music with modern techniques. His works were often inspired by works of literature or visual art, and he created a variety of pieces in different genres, including choral works, orchestral pieces, and chamber music.

Throughout his career, Lockwood held many prestigious positions in the music world. He was a professor of music at Smith College, the Oberlin Conservatory of Music, and the University of California, Berkeley. In addition to teaching, he worked as a conductor and performer, serving as music director for several orchestras and chamber music ensembles.

Lockwood's influence on American music was significant, both as a teacher and composer. He was known for his commitment to developing young composers and nurturing their talent, and his work continues to inspire and influence musicians today.

Compositions featuring Normand Lockwood

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Concerto for organ & Brasses 14:43 min Concerto -
2 Inscription From the Catacombs 2:07 min Choral -
3 Sonata-Fantasy for accordion & bass 7:53 min Chamber Music -
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