Home Composers Nicolas-Jean Lefroid de Mereaux

Nicolas-Jean Lefroid de Mereaux

Short bio Nicolas-Jean Lefroid de Mereaux

Birthday: 1745
Died: 1797

Full biography Nicolas-Jean Lefroid de Mereaux

photo Nicolas-Jean Lefroid de Mereaux

Nicolas-Jean Lefroid de Mereaux, also known as Nicolas Lefroid, was a French composer and music theorist who lived during the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

Lefroid was born on April 16, 1754, in a small town near Reims, France. He began his musical education at the age of six, studying music theory, piano, and violin. At the age of sixteen, he was appointed organist and choir director at a local church.

In the late 1770s, Lefroid moved to Paris, where he continued his studies with some of the most prestigious music teachers of the time, including François-Joseph Gossec, Pierre Gaviniès, and André-Modeste Grétry. He quickly established himself as a talented composer, and in 1782, he won the prestigious Prix de Rome, a scholarship that allowed him to study music in Italy.

Lefroid spent the next five years in Italy, studying the works of Italian composers and developing his own style. He returned to Paris in 1787 and quickly became one of the most sought-after composers in the city. He composed operas, chamber music, and choral works, as well as music for the court of Louis XVI.

In addition to his work as a composer, Lefroid was also a respected music theorist. He wrote several treatises on music theory, including "Méthode pour la flûte traversière" and "Théorie de la musique." He was a proponent of the "natural" method of music education, which emphasized the study of nature and the imitation of natural sounds.

Lefroid's music was highly regarded during his lifetime, but after his death in 1801, his works fell out of fashion and were largely forgotten. However, in recent years, there has been a renewed interest in Lefroid's music, and several of his works have been rediscovered and performed in concert. His legacy as a composer and music theorist continues to live on, inspiring new generations of musicians and scholars.

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