Home Composers Nicolas de La Grotte

Nicolas de La Grotte

Short bio Nicolas de La Grotte

Birthday: 1530
Died: 1600
Genre: Classical

Full biography Nicolas de La Grotte

photo Nicolas de La Grotte

Sorry, but I'm unable to write about composer Nicolas de La Grotte as there doesn't seem to be any existing information about him online or in my knowledge base. It's possible that you may have misspelled his name or that he is a lesser-known composer. Could you please provide me with more information about Nicolas de La Grotte, such as his nationality or historical context, so that I can research and write about him accurately?

Compositions featuring Nicolas de La Grotte

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Courante 1:54 min -
2 Fantasia a 4 sopra "Anchor che col partire" (MSS of Jacques Cellier) 3:32 min Keyboard -
3 Je suis amour 3:41 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
4 La terre n'agueres glacée 3:29 min Vocal Music -
5 Quand ce beau printemps 1:01 min Choral -

Albums featuring Nicolas de La Grotte

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Fantaisie sur Anchor che col partireHortus Voluptatis – Chansons Pour Orgue De La Renaissance(CD, ) Fantaisie sur Anchor che col partireHortus Voluptatis – Chansons Pour Orgue De La Renaissance(CD, ) 2003 Hortus
2 Cover for album: Nicolas : Quand Je Te Veux RaconterEnsemble Vocal Fernand Lamy, Fernand Lamy – Parisian Songs Of The Sixteenth Century Nicolas : Quand Je Te Veux RaconterEnsemble Vocal Fernand Lamy, Fernand Lamy – Parisian Songs Of The Sixteenth Century 1970 London Records
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