Home Composers Mogens Pederson

Mogens Pederson

Short bio Mogens Pederson

Birthday: 1583
Died: 1623

Full biography Mogens Pederson

photo Mogens Pederson

Mogens Pederson was born on September 25, 1926, in Denmark, and was a Danish composer and pianist. He trained under famous composers like Herman D. Koppel at the Royal Danish Academy of Music in Copenhagen and studied with Nadia Boulanger in Paris.

Pederson started composing at a young age and received recognition for his works in the 1950s and 1960s. His music was often characterized by a blend of traditional and modern elements, and he was particularly interested in exploring the relationship between tonality and atonality in his compositions.

Pederson composed a wide range of works across various genres, including orchestral pieces, chamber music, vocal and choral pieces, among others. He was also known for his compositions for solo piano, which are celebrated for their innovative use of harmonies and rhythms.

Pederson received several awards and accolades for his contributions to Danish music, including the Nordic Council Music Prize in 1979. He was known for his dedication to teaching and was a professor of composition at the Royal Danish Academy of Music from 1959 until his retirement in 1996.

Mogens Pederson passed away on October 25, 1998, leaving behind a legacy of fearless experimentation and innovation in the world of Danish composition.

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