Home Composers Mesias Maiguashca

Mesias Maiguashca

Short bio Mesias Maiguashca

Birthday: 1938

Full biography Mesias Maiguashca

photo Mesias Maiguashca

Mesias Maiguashca is an Ecuadorian-German composer, who is best known for his work in contemporary classical music. He was born on October 21, 1938, in Quito, Ecuador, and started his music education in his native country before moving to Europe in the 1960s.

Maiguashca studied with renowned composers such as Karlheinz Stockhausen, György Ligeti, and Roberto Gerhard, and became a key figure in the emerging contemporary music scene. His music is uniquely experimental and avant-garde, often incorporating electronics and unconventional playing techniques.

Some of his most acclaimed works include "El Aire," "Sud," and "Agon," which have been performed in major festivals and venues across Europe and the Americas. Maiguashca is recognized as one of the most innovative and original composers of his generation, and his music continues to inspire new generations of musicians and fans.

Aside from his work as a composer, Maiguashca has also taught at various universities and music schools in Europe, and has collaborated with numerous artists and ensembles from different genres and backgrounds.

Overall, Mesias Maiguashca is a fascinating and influential figure in the world of contemporary classical music, whose unique approach to music has left a lasting impact on the art form.

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