Home Composers Meredith Monk

Meredith Monk

Short bio Meredith Monk

Birthday: 1942

Full biography Meredith Monk

photo Meredith Monk

Meredith Monk is an accomplished American composer, performer, director, vocalist, filmmaker, and choreographer , born on November 20, 1942, in New York City. She is known for her pioneering work in contemporary music and performance art. Monk's career spans over five decades, during which she has created numerous pieces of music and theater that have been performed and praised worldwide.

Monk's work is highly innovative and experimental, drawing inspiration from numerous sources, such as Buddhism, nature, and the human voice. She is particularly renowned for her vocal innovations, which explore the range and potential of the human voice in unique and creative ways. Monk's music is often described as transcendent, meditative, and spiritual, with a focus on the use of the voice as an instrument.

Throughout her career, Monk has collaborated with numerous artists, musicians, and choreographers, including Robert Een, Ann Hamilton, and Ping Chong, among others. In 1968, she formed the Meredith Monk & Vocal Ensemble, which has become a critically acclaimed group in its own right.

Over the years, Monk has received many accolades and awards for her contributions to music and performance art. She was awarded a MacArthur Fellowship in 1995, and in 2005 was named a United States Artists Fellow. Monk's work has been featured in numerous documentaries, and she has been the subject of several books that explore her life and career.

Overall, Meredith Monk's work is widely celebrated for its originality, emotional depth, and groundbreaking nature. As a pioneering composer and performer, she has inspired countless artists and musicians, and her legacy continues to influence and shape contemporary music and performance art today.

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