Home Composers Max Wagenknecht

Max Wagenknecht

Short bio Max Wagenknecht

Birthday: 1857
Died: 1922
Genre: Classical

Full biography Max Wagenknecht

photo Max Wagenknecht

Max Wagenknecht was a German composer who lived from 1857 to 1922. He was known for his works for the organ and his compositions for choir. Wagenknecht studied at the Berlin University of the Arts under Friedrich Kiel and later with Franz Wullner and Karl Reinecke. He also took private composition lessons from Joseph Joachim Raff.

Wagenknecht's music is known for being richly harmonized and melodically pleasing. Some of his most famous works include his Toccata in F major and his Choralvorspiele zu den Osterliedern. His music has been described as a unique blend of German Romanticism and the French organ tradition.

Wagenknecht's life was tragically cut short when he passed away at the age of 64 in 1922. His legacy has lived on, however, through his music and the many recordings of his works that are still available today.

Compositions featuring Max Wagenknecht

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Andante for organ in B flat major 1:15 min Keyboard -
2 Fughette for organ in C major 1:27 min Keyboard -
3 Moderato for organ in G minor 1:13 min Keyboard -
4 Vor-oder Nachspiel for organ in D major 1:12 min Keyboard -
5 Vorspiel zu "Lobe den Herren" for organ 0:59 min Keyboard -
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