Home Composers Maurice Jarre

Maurice Jarre

Short bio Maurice Jarre

Birthday: 1924
Died: 2009

Full biography Maurice Jarre

photo Maurice Jarre

Maurice Jarre was a French composer and conductor who was born on September 13 , 1924, in Lyon, France. He began studying music at a young age and quickly developed a love for classical music. Although he originally wanted to become a mathematician, he eventually decided to pursue a career in music.

Jarre became known for composing music for a wide range of films, including Lawrence of Arabia, Doctor Zhivago, and Ghost. He wrote more than 170 film scores over the course of his career, and his unique style was characterized by his use of orchestras and synthesized music.

Throughout his career, Jarre received numerous awards and accolades for his work in film. He won three Academy Awards, four Golden Globe Awards, and a BAFTA Award, among others. In addition to his work in film, Jarre also composed music for numerous stage productions and television shows.

Jarre was known for his collaborations with director David Lean, which include the scores for Lawrence of Arabia, Doctor Zhivago, and A Passage to India. He worked on the music for these films with great care, and his scores became an integral part of their success.

Jarre was known not only for his talent as a composer, but also for his kindness and generosity. He was loved by many in the film industry, and his passing in 2009 was mourned by fans and colleagues alike.

All in all, Maurice Jarre was a highly talented composer whose contributions to the film industry continue to be celebrated today.

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