Home Composers Maui Dalvanius Prime

Maui Dalvanius Prime

Short bio Maui Dalvanius Prime

Birthday: 1948
Died: 2002

Full biography Maui Dalvanius Prime

photo Maui Dalvanius Prime

Maui Dalvanius Prime was a renowned New Zealand composer, musician, and producer who was born on February 4th, 1948, in the small rural town of Ngāmotu, New Plymouth. He was of Māori, Irish, and Scottish descent. Dalvanius' musical journey began when he moved to Auckland in the early 1960s to pursue his passion for music.

Dalvanius' musical style drew inspiration from various genres such as rhythm and blues, soul, and jazz. He is particularly known for his contributions to the fusion of traditional Māori music with modern styles in the 1970s and 80s. In 1984, he had his biggest international hit with the single "Poi E," which fused the traditional Māori poi dance with contemporary music, becoming one of the most iconic songs in New Zealand's music history.

Throughout his career, Dalvanius worked with a range of artists, both nationally and internationally, including renowned artists such as Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles. He received numerous awards for his contributions to the music industry, including the New Zealand Order of Merit in 2004.

Sadly, Dalvanius passed away in 2002 at the age of 54, leaving behind a legacy of music that continues to inspire and influence artists across New Zealand and beyond. Despite his untimely passing, his influence on the music industry helped to pave the way for contemporary Māori musicians and composers to continue to innovate and push the boundaries of music.

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