Home Composers Matteo Palotta

Matteo Palotta

Short bio Matteo Palotta

Birthday: 1688
Died: 1758

Full biography Matteo Palotta

photo Matteo Palotta

Matteo Palotta (c. 1688 – 28 March 1758) was an Italian composer of church music who became a court composer in Vienna. He was born in Italy, and his musical talents were recognized at an early age. He studied keyboard, counterpoint, and composition under the tutelage of the court music director and composer in Vienna.

Palotta is known for his work in choral music and is considered one of the most important Italian composers of church music of the 18th century. His compositions include masses, motets, and other sacred music, some of which are still performed today. Palotta's music is characterized by its melodic beauty and its skillful use of counterpoint.

Palotta's musical career included serving as a chapel master at the court of the Archbishop of Salzburg, as well as at the court of the Prince-Archbishop of Olomouc in Moravia. His notable pupils include Georg Christoph Wagenseil, who later became a successful composer in his own right.

Overall, Palotta's contributions to the development of church music in the 18th century are significant. His musical style and compositions continue to be studied by scholars and enjoyed by audiences today.

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