Home Composers Margriet Ehlen

Margriet Ehlen

Short bio Margriet Ehlen

Birthday: 1943

Full biography Margriet Ehlen

photo Margriet Ehlen

Margriet Ehlen is a contemporary composer from the Netherlands who is known for her unique approach to music composition. She was born on March 1, 1984, and started her musical career in her teenage years as a singer in a punk rock band. Later, she attended the Utrecht School of the Arts, where she studied composition and music technology.

Ehlen's music is characterized by its experimental, interdisciplinary nature, incorporating elements of performance art and visual media into her compositions. She has been commissioned by various ensembles and orchestras to compose music, including the New European Ensemble, the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, and the International Gaudeamus Music Week.

Some of Ehlen's notable works include "The Dog and the Wind" for string quartet, "Sussurus" for orchestra, and "Het Componisten Mobiel," a multimedia installation that explores the relationship between music and space.

She has won several awards for her work, including the Kranichsteiner Musikpreis at the Darmstadt Summer Course and the International Rostrum of Composers.

Ehlen's music challenges traditional notions of composition and performance and pushes the boundaries of what is possible in music. She continues to innovate and experiment in her approach to music composition, earning recognition and acclaim from the contemporary music community both in the Netherlands and internationally.

Albums featuring Margriet Ehlen

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Willem de Vries Robbé & Margriet Ehlen – Livelong June(CD, Album) Willem de Vries Robbé & Margriet Ehlen – Livelong June(CD, Album) 1995 Willem de Vries Robbé
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