Home Composers Luca Antonio Predieri

Luca Antonio Predieri

Short bio Luca Antonio Predieri

Birthday: 1688 in Bologna, Italy
Died: 1767 in Bologna, Italy
Genre: Classical
Period: Baroque

Full biography Luca Antonio Predieri

photo Luca Antonio Predieri

Luca Antonio Predieri was a prominent Italian composer and violinist who lived from 1688 to 1767. He came from a family of musicians and was trained in the musical style of the Baroque period. Predieri was known for his contributions to opera, oratorios and sacred vocal music. His works were admired for their emphasis on the texture of the words, making his compositions both emotionally expressive and technically complex.

Predieri wrote a number of operas that were performed in his time. One notable example is "La Partenope," a comedic opera on the mythological story of the founding of Naples. His work on oratorios was also significant. He wrote many pieces in this genre with themes ranging from religious to secular, and some of his most famous works include "Betulia Liberata" and "Maria di Nazareth."

In addition to his work on operas and oratorios, Predieri also composed instrumental music. He wrote a number of sinfonias, including one for an ensemble of trombones. Some of his works were featured in concerts by the ensemble il pomo d'oro , which is named after Antonio Cesti's opera.

Predieri's legacy as a composer continues to be celebrated today. Some of his works have been recorded and can be listened to on various platforms including Spotify. His contributions to Baroque music have helped shape the sound of classical music and the opera genre in particular.

Compositions featuring Luca Antonio Predieri

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Zenobia, opera Opera 1740
2 Prima Lamentazione del Giovedì Santo (alto e b.c.) 7:46 min -
3 Scipione il giovane, opera Opera -
4 Seconda Lamentazione del Mercoledì Santo (soprano e b.c.) 6:54 min -
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