Home Composers Louis Lully

Louis Lully

Short bio Louis Lully

Birthday: 1664
Died: 1734
Genre: Classical
Period: Baroque

Full biography Louis Lully

photo Louis Lully

Louis Lully was a noted composer and musician who lived during the seventeenth century in France. He was the son of Jean-Baptiste Lully, who was also a composer and musician, and was often referred to as the "son of the great Lully."

Louis had a remarkable talent for music, as he began his formal training at an early age under the tutelage of his father. His father's untimely death in 1687, however, put an end to his formal education. Despite this setback, Louis continued to work hard and refine his skills as a composer, mastering different musical forms such as opera, tragedy, and ballet.

In 1689, he composed music for the ballet "Le Triomphe de l'Amour," which was a great success. Louis soon became associated with the Court of Louis XIV and composed music for several plays and operas. His most famous work was the opera "Artenice," which was performed in Paris in 1698. The opera was a collaboration with the librettist Leclerc, and its grandeur, beauty, and complexity were praised by critics and audiences alike.

Louis Lully's style and approach to music were quite different from his father's. While Jean-Baptiste Lully's music had a distinctly French character, Louis's compositions were more Italian in nature, with a strong emphasis on melody and vocal techniques. He was also a more advanced orchestrator, incorporating new and varied instrumentation in his music.

Despite his many achievements as a composer, Louis Lully's career was relatively short-lived, as he died at the young age of 27 in 1694. Nevertheless, his contribution to French music was significant, and his music helped to usher in a new era of French opera and ballet. Today, Louis Lully is remembered as a pioneer in French music and an important figure in the Baroque era.

Compositions featuring Louis Lully

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Concert de violons et hautbois donné au souper du roy, for violins, oboes & continuo Chamber Music 1707
2 Zéphire et Flore, ballet Ballet -
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