Home Composers Louis de La Coste

Louis de La Coste

Short bio Louis de La Coste

Birthday: 1675
Died: 1750
Genre: Classical

Full biography Louis de La Coste

photo Louis de La Coste

Louis de La Coste was a French composer, known for his contribution to the Baroque era of music. He was born in Aix-en-Provence in 1660 and entered the choir of the Saint-Sauveur cathedral in his hometown at an early age. La Coste was a multi-talented musician, as he played both the violin and the harpsichord.

In the late 1680s, La Coste moved to Paris, where he became a member of the Chapelle Royale, a prestigious choir that performed at the court of King Louis XIV. He worked alongside famous composers such as Jean-Baptiste Lully and Marc-Antoine Charpentier and gained a reputation for his ability to create beautiful religious music pieces.

La Coste's music style was heavily influenced by the Italian Baroque composers, and he is considered as one of the most important French composers of this period. His work was characterized by its graceful melodies, subtle harmonies, and expertly crafted counterpoint.

One of his most significant works is the "Messe pour les couvents," a sacred composition that reflects the grandeur of the French Baroque style. Another notable piece is "Première ouverture pour la nuit," which is an overture that evokes a pastoral atmosphere through its delicate harmonies and vibrant orchestration.

Despite his immense talent and success, La Coste's works were largely overshadowed by those of his contemporaries, such as Jean-Philippe Rameau and François Couperin. Nonetheless, his contribution to the development of Baroque music and his innovative techniques have been recognized by many scholars in the field.

Compositions featuring Louis de La Coste

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Etude for guitar, Op. 38/23 3:11 min Chamber Music -
2 Rondoletto for guitar, Op. 48/3 1:19 min Chamber Music -
3 Sarabande 2:32 min Orchestral -
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