Home Composers Leon Milo

Leon Milo

Short bio Leon Milo

Birthday: 1956
Died: 2014

Full biography Leon Milo

photo Leon Milo

Leon Milo (December 10 , 1956 - August 31, 2014) was an American composer, percussionist, and sound artist. He was known for his ability to create music and sonic environments using a range of techniques , including instruments, electronics, natural sounds, and synthesis.

Milo's work was highly regarded in the music industry and he was recognized for his unique style and innovative approach to composition. Milo received several awards and accolades throughout his career, including being named artist-in-residence at the University of South Florida in Bergen in 2005-2006.

Aside from being a composer, Milo was also an advocate of music education and stressed the importance of maintaining musical instruments for all musicians, regardless of their level of knowledge or experience. He wrote several articles on the topic and provided tips for those interested in pursuing a career in music.

Today, Milo's music continues to be appreciated by many. Listeners can find his music on various streaming platforms, including Spotify. Though he passed away in 2014, the legacy of Leon Milo lives on through his music and the impact he had on the world of contemporary music.

Compositions featuring Leon Milo

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Birdscape, soundscape of recorded sounds 3:56 min Electronic/Computer Music -
2 Gongscape, for 3 gongs 5:06 min Chamber Music -
3 Parisscape, soundscape sample 5:11 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
4 Time Texture, for piano & electronics 7:59 min Keyboard -
5 Voicescape, soundscape for voice samples 4:38 min Electronic/Computer Music -
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