Home Composers Kevin MacLeod

Kevin MacLeod

Short bio Kevin MacLeod

Birthday: 1972

Full biography Kevin MacLeod

photo Kevin MacLeod

Kevin MacLeod is a highly-regarded composer, well known for his extensive catalog of royalty-free music. He was born in Green Bay, Wisconsin, in 1972 and grew up with a love of music. MacLeod’s music is featured in various types of media, including films, video games, YouTube videos, and more.

MacLeod began playing the piano at an early age and later learned to play other instruments, including the guitar, bass, and drums. His music style includes a unique blend of various genres, ranging from classical orchestral pieces, rock, pop, electronic, and beyond.

MacLeod's music can be found on his website, incompetech.com, where he offers all his work for use under a Creative Commons license that allows others to use and adapt his music content for a variety of purposes at no cost. He has collaborated with several notable personalities in the industry, including documentary filmmaker Jason Scott, game developer Jeff Vogel, and animator Adam Phillips.

MacLeod has won numerous awards for his work, including the Creative Commons Golden Nica, which he received in 2010. His music has also been featured on various platforms. For instance, his song “Sneaky Snitch” has been used in countless YouTube videos and has become a cultural phenomenon.

In conclusion, Kevin MacLeod is an accomplished composer known for his wide-ranging portfolio and his generosity in sharing his music under a Creative Commons license. His innovative approach to music production and distribution has earned him a devoted following, and his work can be heard in a variety of media worldwide.

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