Home Composers Juan de Urrede

Juan de Urrede

Short bio Juan de Urrede

Birthday: 1430 in Bruges, Belgium
Died: 1482 in Salamanca, Spain
Genre: Classical
Period: Renaissance

Full biography Juan de Urrede

photo Juan de Urrede

Juan de Urrede was a notable Spanish composer who lived during the late Renaissance period. He was born in the town of Estella, Navarre, in 1590. Not much is known about Urrede's early life, but it's believed that he spent his formative years studying music at a young age.

His compositions were primarily religious and were often performed in churches and cathedrals throughout Spain. Urrede was known for his ability to weave together complex harmonies, which he accomplished by using a wide range of instruments and voice types.

Urrede's most famous work is his "Missa pro Defunctis," which is a requiem for the dead. The piece is a testament to his skill as a composer, as it features intricate counterpoint and a complex polyphonic texture. In addition to his masses, Urrede is also credited with several motets and villancicos, which were popular vocal genres of the time.

Despite his significant contributions to music, Urrede's legacy has been somewhat overshadowed by other composers of the era, such as Tomas Luis de Victoria and Francisco Guerrero. However, his music continues to be appreciated today thanks to a renewed interest in Renaissance music.

Juan de Urrede died in 1652 at the age of 62, leaving behind a rich musical legacy that has stood the test of time. His works are a testament to the beauty and complexity of Renaissance music, and his contributions to the genre continue to inspire composers to this day.

Compositions featuring Juan de Urrede

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 De vos i de mí quexoso, song 4:06 min Vocal Music -
2 Donde estás que non te veo 3:51 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
3 Donde estás que non te veo 3:48 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
4 Muy triste sera mi vida, for 3 voices 3:47 min Vocal Music -
5 Nunca fue pena mayor, for 3 voices 4:16 min Vocal Music -
6 Pange Lingua, for 4 voices (from the Cancionero de Segovia manuscript) 6:31 min Vocal Music -
7 Pange lingua, for 5 voices 1:37 min Choral -
8 Tantum ergo sacramentum, a 4 tiento for organ 2:13 min Keyboard -
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