Home Composers Joseph Weigl

Joseph Weigl

Short bio Joseph Weigl

Birthday: 1766
Died: 1846
Genre: Classical
Period: Romantic

Full biography Joseph Weigl

photo Joseph Weigl

Joseph Weigl was an Austrian composer and conductor born on March 28, 1766, in Eisenstadt. He was a respected composer of theatrical and sacred music , as well as an acclaimed conductor. Weigl received his early musical training from Johann Georg Albrechtsberger, who also taught Ludwig van Beethoven. Under Albrechtsberger's tutelage, Weigl wrote his first opera , Die Geschiedene Frau.

Weigl was a highly successful composer whose fame rested on his operas , which were performed in many cities throughout Europe. He composed more than twenty operas, including comic and serious works, as well as symphonies, chamber music, and sacred music. One of his most famous operas is L'Amor Marinaro, which includes a catchy trio that Ludwig van Beethoven used in his own compositions.

In addition to his work as a composer, Weigl was also a respected conductor. He conducted concerts in Vienna, Paris, and other European cities, and was the principal conductor of the Kärntnertortheater in Vienna. He also taught at the Vienna Conservatory, where he was a professor of composition and conducting.

Weigl was influential in the development of the keyed trumpet, a type of valve trumpet that was popular in the late 18th century. He wrote several concertos and other works for the keyed trumpet, and was a friend of Anton Weidinger, the foremost exponent of the instrument.

Weigl died on February 3, 1846, in Vienna, but his legacy lives on through his music. His works continue to be performed and recorded, and he is remembered as one of the most prominent composers of his time.

Compositions featuring Joseph Weigl

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 L'Imboscata, opera Opera 1815
2 L'Amore Marinaro, opera ("Il Corsaro") Opera 1797
3 In Questa Tomba Oscura (In This Dark Tomb), for voice & piano 1:27 min Vocal Music -
4 Trost an Meine Mutter (Consolation for My Mother), for voice & piano 6:28 min Vocal Music -
5 Schwört mir Rache und Verderben, insertion aria for tenor & piano (for Spontini's "La Vestale") 5:33 min Vocal Music -
6 Schweigt, Genug, O Quiriten!, insertion aria for tenor & piano (for Mozart's "La Clemenza di Tito") 3:47 min Vocal Music -
7 Reiterlied (Rider's song), for voice & piano 1:46 min Vocal Music -
8 Pria Ch'io l'impegno (Before I Decide), for voice & piano 1:37 min Vocal Music -
9 Lasst Uns im Vertrauten Kreise (Let us in comfortable company), for voice & piano 1:10 min Vocal Music -
10 La Principessa d'Amalfi, opera Opera -
11 'S Mag sein (It could be), for voice & piano 1:38 min Vocal Music -
12 Il Sogno (The dream), for voice & piano 2:13 min Vocal Music -
13 Die Täuschung (The Disappointment), for voice & piano 2:21 min Vocal Music -
14 Die Schweizerfamile, singspiel 130:37 min Opera -
15 Die Jugendjahre Peters des Grossen, opera Opera -
16 Das Waisenhaus, singspiel Opera -
17 Daniel in der Löwengrube oder Baals Sturz, opera Opera -
18 Concertino for harp, flute, clarinet, horn, bassoon, piano & double bass 20:15 min Concerto -
19 Ah, di Nina il Core, insertion aria for tenor & piano (for Paisiello's "Nina o sia La pazza per amore") 3:32 min Vocal Music -
20 Adrian von Ostade, opera Opera -
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