Home Composers Joseph Maria Wolfram

Joseph Maria Wolfram

Short bio Joseph Maria Wolfram

Birthday: 1789
Died: 1839

Full biography Joseph Maria Wolfram

photo Joseph Maria Wolfram

Joseph Maria Wolfram was a German-Czech politician and amateur composer , born on July 21, 1789, and passed away on September 30, 1839. He was well known for his opera compositions, which were performed with great success during his time. Some of his most notable operas include "Eine Nacht auf dem Blocksberg" and "Agnes von Naumburg".

Apart from his musical career, Wolfram was also a politician and served as a member of the Bohemian provincial parliament from 1832 until his death in 1839. He was a strong advocate for national unity and fought against oppression of the Czech language and education. He also wrote numerous articles on political and moral topics in various publications of the time.

Despite being an amateur composer, Wolfram's operas won praise for their melodies and dramatic elements. His works often reflected his political and social beliefs and were presented in a clear and accessible style, which helped to popularize the Czech operatic tradition. While his importance in the history of music is not compared to that of some of his contemporaries, his contributions to the cultural landscape of his time were significant.

In conclusion, Joseph Maria Wolfram was a multifaceted personality who was a respected composer and also a dedicated politician. His operas continue to be performed and appreciated today, and he remains an important figure in the history of Czech music.

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