Home Composers Joseph Legros

Joseph Legros

Short bio Joseph Legros

Birthday: 1739
Died: 1793

Full biography Joseph Legros

photo Joseph Legros

Joseph Legros, often spelled Le Gros, was a French singer and composer of the 18th century. He was born on September 7 or 8, 1739, in Monampteuil, France and died on December 20, 1793. Legros was the most prominent haute-contre singer of his generation, known for his beautiful voice and expressive singing style. His singing career began at the age of 15 when he joined the Paris Opera. He quickly rose to fame and became a favorite among audiences and composers alike.

Legros was not only a talented singer but also a composer of vocal music, including operas and cantatas. He composed several operas that were performed at the Paris Opera, including "Le magnifique" and "Le retour de Proserpine". In addition, Legros was the director of the Concert Spirituel, one of the most prestigious music institutions in France during his time. It was during his tenure as director that he commissioned Mozart to write his Symphony No. 31, also known as the "Paris" symphony.

Legros was also known for his close friendship with the artist Alphonse Legros, no relation. Legros' legacy in the world of music is one of immense talent as a singer and composer, and as an influential figure in the French music scene of his time.

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