Home Composers Jose angel Montero

Jose angel Montero

Short bio Jose angel Montero

Birthday: 1832
Died: 1881

Full biography Jose angel Montero

photo Jose angel Montero

José Ángel Montero was a prominent Venezuelan opera composer who lived in the 19th century. He was contemporaneous with the Brazilian composer Carlos Gomes, and served as maestro di capilla at the cathedral of Caracas. Apart from being known in the music circles of Venezuela, José Ángel Montero is also a popular name in the music scene of Spain and Latin America.

He was well-versed in Spanish traditional and ethnic music , and wrote several popular zarzuelas , which are a Spanish form of musical theater. His compositions showcased his artistic abilities and were highly acclaimed by critics and audiences alike.

José Ángel Montero is believed to have lived from 1832-1881, making a mark at an early age with his compositions. He is recognized as one of the pioneers of opera and zarzuela in Latin America, and the first opera to premiere in the region, Los alemanes en Italia , is attributed to him.

Although many of his compositions have been lost throughout the years, his work has been preserved and continues to be studied to this day. Montero played a crucial role in establishing Venezuela and Latin America as a major hub for classical music and opera, inspiring numerous other musicians and composers to carry on his legacy.

Albums featuring Jose angel Montero

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Recitativo Y Aria (De La Opera Virginia)Fedora Alemán – Retrospectiva(2×LP, Compilation) Recitativo Y Aria (De La Opera Virginia)Fedora Alemán – Retrospectiva(2×LP, Compilation) 1982 FUNDARTE
2 Cover for album: Cavaletta, Aria De La Ópera VirginiaFedora Alemán – Arias De Óperas Y Canciones(LP, Compilation) Cavaletta, Aria De La Ópera VirginiaFedora Alemán – Arias De Óperas Y Canciones(LP, Compilation) - Instituto Nacional De Cultura Y Bellas Artes
3 Cover for album: Primo Casale – Virginia Opera En Cuatro Actos y Seis Escenas(3×LP, Album, Stereo) Primo Casale – Virginia Opera En Cuatro Actos y Seis Escenas(3×LP, Album, Stereo) - Instituto Nacional de Cultura y Bellas Artes
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