Home Composers Jorge Liderman

Jorge Liderman

Short bio Jorge Liderman

Birthday: 1957 in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Died: 2008 in El Cerrito, CA
Active: 1980s - 2000s
Genre: Classical
Period: Contemporary

Full biography Jorge Liderman

photo Jorge Liderman

Jorge Liderman was a renowned composer and professor of music at the University of California , Berkeley. He was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1957 and later moved to the United States to pursue his artistic career. His compositions were widely recognized and appreciated, and he received numerous awards and grants throughout his career, including a Guggenheim Fellowship in 2004.

Liderman's music often reflected his multicultural background, blending elements of Argentine folk music and contemporary classical techniques. He was known for his unique style, which often featured complex rhythms and intricate harmonies. His works were performed by many prestigious orchestras and ensembles, including the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, the Los Angeles Philharmonic, and the San Francisco Contemporary Music Players.

In addition to his composing career, Liderman also taught music composition and theory at the University of California, Berkeley. He had many students who went on to successful careers in music, and he was known for his dedication and passion for teaching.

Tragically, Jorge Liderman died by suicide on February 3, 2008. His death was a great loss to the music world and to his many colleagues, students, and admirers. Despite his untimely death, his music continues to be performed and appreciated by audiences around the world.

Compositions featuring Jorge Liderman

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Aged Tunes, for guitar & string quartet 12:54 min Chamber Music 2007
2 Many Moons, for voice & violin 9:08 min Vocal Music 2006
3 Chacone, for cello, piano & percussion 6:28 min Chamber Music 2005
4 Chanson, for bass clarinet 4:24 min Chamber Music 2005
5 Sidewalk, for violin, cello & piano 5:09 min Chamber Music 2005
6 Ut re mi fa sol la, for harpsichord 6:24 min Keyboard 2004
7 Wind-Up Toys, for 2 pianos 28:03 min Keyboard 2003
8 Swirling Streams, for guitar, bass clarinet & string trio 19:45 min Chamber Music 2003
9 Piano Quintet 19:57 min Chamber Music 2002
10 Open Strings for guitar orchestra & electric bass 12:17 min Chamber Music 2001
11 The Song of Songs, a cantata for soprano, tenor, female chorus & chamber orchestra 62:29 min Choral 2001
12 That is already..., for piano 17:19 min Keyboard 1999
13 Hoquetus, for viola, clarinet & french horn 12:12 min Chamber Music 1998
14 Draft, for violin, piano & percussion 15:39 min Chamber Music 1998
15 Waking Dances, for guitar 13:45 min Chamber Music 1998
16 String Quartet No. 3 10:45 min Chamber Music 1994
17 Tropes V for piano 16:04 min Keyboard 1994
18 Notebook, for flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano & percussion 9:32 min Orchestral 1993
19 Tiempo Viejo, for 11 drums & woodblock 10:27 min Chamber Music 1992
20 Tropes IV, for piano 9:24 min Keyboard 1990
21 Tropes, for 2 clarinets 13:24 min Chamber Music 1987
22 Refrains 13:13 min Orchestral -
23 Glimpses, for large orchestra 12:22 min Orchestral -
24 Barcelonazo, for ensemble 30:56 min Orchestral -
25 Aires de Sefarad, Spanish songs (46) for violin & guitar 59:17 min Chamber Music -
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