Home Composers John Weldon

John Weldon

Short bio John Weldon

Birthday: 1676
Died: 1736

Full biography John Weldon

photo John Weldon

There are several composers with the name John Weldon, but the most notable one is an English composer who lived from 1676 to 1736. He is known for his sacred music, including anthems, services, and sacred songs. One of his most famous works is "O be joyful," which is still performed today.

John Weldon was born inKent in 1676 and, as a boy, he was a chorister at St. Paul's Cathedral in London. He went on to study under the composer John Blow, who was a significant influence on Weldon's work. In 1701, he became the composer-in-residence at Oxford University, and he continued to hold this position until his death in 1736.

In addition to his sacred music, Weldon also composed secular works, including instrumental music, chamber music, and songs. However, it is his religious music that stands out as his most significant contribution to the world of music.

Despite his relatively small output, John Weldon is considered to be an important figure in English music history, and his music is still performed and recorded today. His manuscript of "O be joyful" is held in the British Library and is a testament to his lasting impact on the world of music.

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