Home Composers John Plummer

John Plummer

Short bio John Plummer

Birthday: 1410
Died: 1484

Full biography John Plummer

photo John Plummer

John Plummer was a composer from England who lived during the mid-fifteenth century. Plummer is known for his polyphonic vocal music, which has survived to the present day. His works include motets and other liturgical music, and his style is distinguished by striking harmonies and complex rhythms.

Plummer's life is not well documented, and much of what is known about him comes from his surviving works and mentions in historical records. He was likely born in the early 1400s, and he is known to have worked at several churches and chapels in England during his career. Plummer was highly regarded as a composer during his lifetime, and his music was widely performed and admired.

Today, Plummer is considered one of the most important English composers of the fifteenth century, and his music is still performed and studied by scholars and musicians around the world. While much of his output has been lost over time, the surviving works demonstrate a remarkable creativity and skill that have earned him a place in the pantheon of great composers.

Compositions featuring John Plummer

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Anna Mater Matris Christi 5:37 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
2 Missa Sine nomine 24:25 min Choral -
3 O potores exquisiti 4:17 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
4 Tota Pulchra Es 4:05 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
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