Home Composers John IV of Portugal

John IV of Portugal

Short bio John IV of Portugal

Birthday: 1603
Died: 1656

Full biography John IV of Portugal

photo John IV of Portugal

John IV of Portugal, also known as João IV in Portuguese, was a king of Portugal who ruled from 1640 to 1656. However, what many people don't know about him is that he was also a talented composer.

John IV was born in Vila Viçosa, Portugal in 1604. He was interested in music since a young age and received instruction from several music masters. He was particularly interested in polyphonic music and was known for his choral works.

His most famous work is the Crux fidelis, a composition that sets the Good Friday hymn of the same name to music. This piece was widely performed throughout Europe and became one of the most well-known choral works of its time.

John IV's music was influenced by the Italian Baroque style, which was very popular in Europe during the 17th century. However, he also incorporated elements of Portuguese folk music and used the Portuguese language in his compositions, which helped to create a unique and distinct sound.

In addition to his musical talents, John IV was also a patron of the arts. He founded the Royal Opera in Lisbon and supported several other artistic endeavors during his reign.

Despite his success as a composer, John IV is mostly remembered for his role in Portuguese politics and for leading the country during a difficult time. However, his contributions to music are an important part of his legacy and have played a significant role in the history of classical music in Portugal.

Compositions featuring John IV of Portugal

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Crux fidelis, for 4 voices 4:05 min Choral 1615
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