Home Composers Johannes Pullois

Johannes Pullois

Short bio Johannes Pullois

Birthday: 1443
Died: 1478
Genre: Classical
Period: Renaissance

Full biography Johannes Pullois

photo Johannes Pullois

Johannes Pullois was a Franco-Flemish composer of the Renaissance period, who lived in the 15th century. He is known for his works on sacred vocal music, including a motet for the Christmas season called "Flos de spina". Pullois was one of the many composers who were active during the Renaissance period in the Burgundian school of music, which was a group of composers who worked under the patronage of the Burgundian court in France.

Despite the limited information available about Pullois, some of his works were recorded and have been included in various collections of music from the Renaissance period. Based on his works, it is believed that Pullois was a talented composer who contributed significantly to the rich and diverse music scene of the time. He was among the group of composers who were recognized for their contributions to early Renaissance music.

Overall, Johannes Pullois was an influential composer of the Renaissance period, who contributed significantly to the development of music during his time. His works continue to be studied and appreciated today by scholars and enthusiasts of early music.

Compositions featuring Johannes Pullois

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 O Beata Infantia 5:23 min Choral 144?
2 De ma dame 3:46 min Choral -
3 Flos de Spina 5:16 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
4 Gloria, for chorus 2:15 min Choral -
5 Op eenen tijd in minen zyn, song 4:33 min Vocal Music -
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