Home Composers Johannes Matelart

Johannes Matelart

Short bio Johannes Matelart

Birthday: 1538
Died: 1607
Genre: Classical
Period: Renaissance

Full biography Johannes Matelart

photo Johannes Matelart

Johannes Matelart was a Flemish composer of the late Renaissance period. He was active during the late 16th and early 17th century. While not much is known about his early life, it is believed that he was born before 1538 and passed away on June 7, 1607.

Matelart's music was mainly vocal and he composed both sacred and secular works. He is best known for his series of Responsoria Antiphonae et Hymni which was published in 1596 ). This publication includes works for five voices including some bicinia (two-part compositions).

Matelart's oeuvre showcases a high level of technical mastery and skill, as demonstrated by his vivid use of harmony and melodic contours. His works show a clear influence of the Franco-Flemish school and are said to reflect the stylistic characteristics of other composers of the period such as Orlando di Lasso.

Matelart's music was highly regarded in his time and his compositions, while less well-known than those of his contemporaries, continue to receive critical acclaim. Today, his works are considered an important contribution to the music of the late Renaissance period.

Compositions featuring Johannes Matelart

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Fantasia 2:45 min -
2 La Terza, Fantasia 0:58 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
3 Recercate concertante sulla Fantasia di M. Milanese la quarta, for lute 2:13 min Chamber Music -
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