Home Composers Johannes Jeep

Johannes Jeep

Short bio Johannes Jeep

Birthday: 1581 in Dransfeld, Germany
Died: 1644 in Hanau, Germany
Genre: Classical

Full biography Johannes Jeep

photo Johannes Jeep

Johannes Jeep was a German composer, choirmaster, and organist born in Dransfeld, Germany in 1582/83. He is best known for his choral writing, and many of his works were published during his lifetime. He was active during the Baroque era, and his music is known for its complexity and elegance.

Jeep's music was particularly popular in Germany, where he held various positions as a church musician. He was also well-known as a teacher, and many of his students went on to become successful musicians in their own right.

Despite being a prolific composer during his lifetime, Jeep's music was largely forgotten after his death. However, his name was brought to the forefront again when his music was featured in James Joyce's novel, "Ulysses." In the book, one of the characters sings a portion of a four-part song by Jeep, which helped to spark renewed interest in his music.

Overall, Johannes Jeep was a talented composer whose work has stood the test of time. While he may not be as well-known as some other Baroque composers, his music continues to be studied and performed by musicians around the world.

Compositions featuring Johannes Jeep

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Mein Herz, das springet!, song 1:33 min Vocal Music -
2 Musica, die ganz lieblich Kunst, song 4:30 min Vocal Music -
3 Nur ein Figur (hat die Natur so adelig gezieret) (Tabulatur Zwiebrücken) 1:52 min Keyboard -

Albums featuring Johannes Jeep

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Musica, die ganz lieblich KunstSymphonie-Orchester Des Bayerischen Rundfunks, Fritz Jessler – Viva La Musica(LP, Album, Stereo) Musica, die ganz lieblich KunstSymphonie-Orchester Des Bayerischen Rundfunks, Fritz Jessler – Viva La Musica(LP, Album, Stereo) 1976 Calig
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