Home Composers Johann Hugo von Wilderer

Johann Hugo von Wilderer

Short bio Johann Hugo von Wilderer

Birthday: 1670 in Bavaria, Germany
Died: 1724

Full biography Johann Hugo von Wilderer

photo Johann Hugo von Wilderer

Johann Hugo von Wilderer was a German Baroque composer who lived from 1670 or 1671 until his burial on June 7 , 1724. He was born in Bavaria and was later employed at the courts of Düsseldorf, Heidelberg, and Mannheim. He served as the organist at St. Andreas Church in Düsseldorf, where he also composed music.

Von Wilderer's music is considered to be representative of the Baroque period, characterized by its ornate and elaborate melodies and counterpoint. While his compositions were not widely recognized during his lifetime, he was appreciated by music specialists of the time. Johann Sebastian Bach was known to have copied several of his works, including a Mass in G Minor.

Von Wilderer's compositions include a number of instrumental and vocal works, such as sonatas, concertos, and masses. His Mass in G Minor, which Bach copied, is considered to be one of his most notable works. While von Wilderer's music may not be as well-known as some of his contemporaries, his contributions have earned him a place in the history of Baroque music.

Compositions featuring Johann Hugo von Wilderer

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Giocasta, opera Opera 1696
2 Custodi me, motet for 5 voices 2:50 min Vocal Music -
3 Mass for 4 voices, strings & continuo in G minor Choral -
4 O anima festina, for soprano, alto, tenor, bass, 2 violins, cello & continuo (formerly attrib. to Carissimi) 7:02 min Choral -
5 Quando Jesus adest, motet for 2 voices, strings and continuo (No. 2 from Modulationi sacrae) 5:59 min Vocal Music -
6 Te Deum, for 4 voices, 4 trumpets, timpani, bassoon, strings & continuo 14:09 min Vocal Music -

Albums featuring Johann Hugo von Wilderer

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Agostino Steffani, Arcangelo Corelli, Johann Schenk, Hugo Wilderer – Düsseldorf - Am Hofe Jan Wellems Agostino Steffani, Arcangelo Corelli, Johann Schenk, Hugo Wilderer – Düsseldorf - Am Hofe Jan Wellems 1966 His Master's Voice
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