Home Composers Johann Gottfried Piefke

Johann Gottfried Piefke

Short bio Johann Gottfried Piefke

Birthday: 1815
Died: 1884

Full biography Johann Gottfried Piefke

photo Johann Gottfried Piefke

Johann Gottfried Piefke (9 September 1817 - 25 January 1884) was a military band leader , Kapellmeister, and composer of German military music in the 19th century. He was born in Schwerin, a small town in Poland (then part of Prussia). Piefke is best known for his composition of the "Preußens Gloria," a famous German military march that is still frequently played today.

Piefke spent most of his career working in the military, where he conducted and led several military bands and orchestras. He was well-regarded as a composer of military music and was considered one of Germany's greatest composers of his time.

In addition to the Preußens Gloria, Piefke composed many other famous marches, including the "Drummers Fanfare" and the "Königgrätzer Marsch." His music was widely popular, and he was frequently asked to compose works to commemorate important events and victories. Piefke's music was also performed outside of Germany, and he conducted concerts across Europe.

Today, Johann Gottfried Piefke's music is still played and celebrated, particularly in Germany, where he is considered a national treasure. He was an important figure in the development of German military music and his compositions continue to inspire new generations of composers and musicians.

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