Home Composers Joachim Nicolas Eggert

Joachim Nicolas Eggert

Short bio Joachim Nicolas Eggert

Birthday: 1779 in Gingst, Pomerania
Died: 1813 in Kisa, Sweden
Genre: Classical
Period: Classical

Full biography Joachim Nicolas Eggert

photo Joachim Nicolas Eggert

Joachim Nicolas Eggert was a Swedish composer and musical director who was born on February 22nd , 1779 in Gingst on Rügen, which was then part of Swedish Pomerania. He died on April 14th, 1813 in Kisa, Sweden. Eggert was an important figure in establishing classical instrumental music in Sweden and is considered one of its pioneer composers. He wrote a variety of compositions, including operas, instrumental works, and symphonies. Unlike some of his French contemporaries, Eggert's music was known for being rhythmic and articulate, and he was particularly noted for his use of the trombone in his compositions. Although he died relatively young, his contributions to classical music live on.

Compositions featuring Joachim Nicolas Eggert

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Svante Sture, incidental music 14:15 min Orchestral 1812
2 Symphony No. 4 in C minor 29:26 min Symphony 1810
3 Symphony No. 3 in E flat major 21:06 min Symphony 1807
4 Symphony No. 2 in G minor 31:21 min Symphony 1806
5 Symphony No. 1 in C major 28:07 min Symphony 1804
6 Mohrene i Spanien (The Moors in Spain), incidental music Orchestral -
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